Color Code

What Color Should You Wear?

See what color suits you best. We’re talking about the color that is closest to your face like sweaters and Ts.

—Blondes with Blue or Green Eyes

Earth tones such as browns, golds, yellows, and greens are a natural way to go with this coloring.

—Brunettes or Blondes with Pinkish Skin Tone

Pastels—whether pink, blue, or yellow—make this skin glow. Pastels in floral patterns are equally lovely. Patterns are nice to consider for this group.

—Brunettes or Redheads with Freckles

Orange–a color that not everyone can wear–looks awesome on these girls. Dark yellow, green, and beige make excellent accent colors.

—Dark Brown Hair with Olive Skin

This group shines in colors that have a splash of shimmering gold, brown, or dark purple.

—Dark Brown or Black Hair with Dark Skin

Go for bold colors—but don’t go overboard. Shades of gold, purple, pink, and blue look great with darker complexions.

Here’s a trick to practice with color and figure out your favorites: head to your neighborhood paint store and check out the paint chips they have in stock. See which colors you’re attracted to and ask for samples that you can take home. Go with a parent, so you don’t feel too shy about asking. When you get home, take a look in the mirror and hold the chips up to your face. How do they look? If the color makes your complexion look livelier, you’ve got a winner. If the color makes your face look washed out – throw that chip away.

Go through all the chips, and compare the colors with the clothes in your closet. Do you have any clothes in those colors? What do you own that complements them? Next time you go shopping, bring a few of the chips as a reminder of what colors work for you.
