
  • New Squad!New Squad!
    For the past two weeks, we’ve been accepting submissions from you all to be a part of the JAM squad! We received so many great entries, but of course we had to narrow it down and pick our finalist. Below are the entries we’ve chosen, and now it’s your turn to pick! Who should join ...
  • Get To Know Elsa!Get To Know Elsa!
    You know Elsa as our DIY girl, but this week we wanted you to get to know her! So, here are a few of Elsa’s favorite things! Let us know if you love any of these things too!
  • 3 Tips on How To Get Into Acting with Suzy Bemba3 Tips on How To Get Into Acting  with Suzy Bemba
    The lovely Suzy Bemba is here to give her insight on how to get into acting! In the comments, let us know what your favorite tip is!
  • Confetti Eggs with Elsa BerkConfetti Eggs with Elsa Berk
    Today our DIY girl, Elsa Berk, is giving us a fun tutorial on how to make confetti eggs for Easter! This is a great project for you and your friends to do this weekend! Plus, it will take a load off on mom if you help her come up with  activities for the holiday! Take a ...
  • March For Our Lives Recap #GunControlMarch For Our Lives Recap #GunControl
    On March 24th, with a crowd of over 200,000, students from over 3,000 schools came together to march for their safety in the #MarchForOurLives. Along with the main D.C. march, over 800 marches across the country were organized. The Stoneman Douglas High School shooting (which lead to numerous lives lost), was the catalyst for this series of ...
  • Easy DIY Spring Break Smoothies! by Elsa Berk #JAMsquadEasy DIY Spring Break Smoothies! by Elsa Berk #JAMsquad
    Today, Elsa is showing us how to make some delicious shakes for spring break! It’s always fun to mix things up and try something new, so she has a few different recipes to choose from!   Send us your photos of your smoothies so we can feature you on JAM!
  • 3 Easy Exercises For Teens To Do From Home3 Easy Exercises For Teens To Do From Home
    One of our newer JAM Squad members, Jamie, is here to show us a few easy workouts that can easily be done from home. Each of these workouts can be adjusted to fit your ability and fitness goals. The workouts shown are to be done in moderation, and if you are someone with health limitations, ...
  • DIY “Get Well” Card with Elsa BerkDIY "Get Well" Card with Elsa Berk
    Today we have a nice craft from JAM squad member, Elsa Berk. She made a lovely get well card for Marlene since she just had surgery. These cards are the perfect project for Mothers Day or Graduation Season! Be sure to send us pictures if you make one of Elsa’s DIY’s! Supplies: – Food Colors -Card Stock -Ruler -Scissors -Glue -Acrylic Paint -Paint ...
  • DIY Hair Tie Holders with Elsa BerkDIY Hair Tie Holders with Elsa Berk
    JAM squad member Elsa is going to show us a fun and cute way to organize our hair pins using items we all have around the house! This something easy you can make with your friends, plus it’s a great way to recycle! Items Needed: -Paper -Glue -Mod podge -pen and pencil -sponge brush -ruler -cutting board -scissors -empty Pringles cans   Happy DIYing! In the comments, ...
    The Academy Awards, also known as the Oscars, are a set of 24 awards for artistic and technical excellence in the film industry, given annually by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS), to recognize excellence in cinematic achievements as assessed by the Academy’s voting membership. Why is the award called an Oscar? The most popular story is that Academy librarian ...